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Showing posts from 2022

My Home Water Birth During a Snowstorm

By: Cara E. Ruegg You were four days late and I was anxious for your arrival. My last midwife appointment, I was told I was measuring two weeks ahead; it was implied maybe I had gestational diabetes after all but I had been monitoring my sugars with my glucometer, something I thought far more accurate anyway, and fasting and after meals was still normal even with dessert, so I don’t think it was that. The midwife suggested I consider an ultrasound to check your weight to see if we should do the hospital route. She said she was trained to handle shoulder dystocia even at home but would prefer more hands. I remembered with your brother how inaccurate that last ultrasound was, nearly two pounds off. I also later did research and found maternal outcomes were better when the woman didn’t know her child would be big. It made sense. Fear is the enemy of labour. I was told though if you came before the ultrasound, we’d just go ahead with the home birth, so I was now ready for you to come, wher...